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Travel Insurance Policy

Insurance Terms works with a reputed insurance company, TPL Insurance and offers their travel insurance products through our website.The policy explains what is covered and all the conditions that apply in different circumstances.We strongly recommend all travelers to purchase travel insurance to cover for flight cancellations, delays, baggage, health, and other losses. Insurance coverage is based on the product that you select.The policy is only available if you are a Pakistani resident.

It is the customer’s responsibility to read all details of the travel insurance policy and to understand terms and conditions, keep them in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel. Claims can be made through contacting a Customer Service representative. All material facts must be disclosed to the underwriters. Failure to do so may affect your rights under this Policy.

A material fact is a fact that is likely to influence the acceptance or assessment of the Insurance by underwriters

You can find more information of the travel insurance policies sold on here.

Why Do You Need Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance is an important part when you plan your trip. You usually buy insurance for a study trip, leisure trip or a business trip. You would not want your plans to go to waste or get interrupted by any unfortunate event. International travel insurance will have you covered as no one would want anyone to be stressed in a foreign country no matter how perfect your plan is. Hence, with travel insurance in your hand, you could save yourself from any mishap such as a health emergency, loss of baggage, loss of documents, flight delays and excess stay at airports. Having insurance would save you from inconvenience and will escort you from tough conditions.

What Does Have To Offer?

Sastaticket and TPL Insurance are official partners and we aim to provide a hassle free experience to our customers by providing the best packages of insurance policies at the most affordable prices. We have packages that we currently offer for domestic and international air travellers.

Domestic Travel

BenefitsAccidental death & permanent disabilityAccidental death & permanent disabilityEmergency medical evacuationRepatriation of mortal remains*Loss of baggageLoss of CNICFlight delayFlight cancellation
Coverage in PKR (Gold Package)500,00025,00015,00015,0003.5001,5001,5001,000
  • In case of natural death only
Time Period1 – 2 days3 – 5 daysUp to 7 days8 – 14 days15- 21 days22 – 30 days
Premium Per Person in PKR (Gold Package)90170220440660880
  • Maximum age limit: 60 years

To read more about domestic policy, please click here.

International Travel

Medical BenefitsCoverage in USD
WorldwideSilver Package
Medical Expenses10,000
Emergency dental care200
Repatriation of mortal remains200
Deductible on medical expenses and dental care (**EEL)100
Emergency evacuation1000
Emergency return home of insured100
Return of dependent childrenN/A
Accidental death & permanent total disability10,000
Delivery of medicines100
Loss of passport200
Loss of checked-in baggage250
Baggage delay (Excess 8 hours)50
Flight delay (Excess 8 hours)100
Trip cancellation50
Travel of one immediate family members (Max 10 days)100 per day
Hijacking (Max 7 days)50 per day
Kidnapping & ransom consultant1,000
Assistance servicesIncluded
Personal Liabilities10,000
  • 50% of accidental death and permanent total disability limit for the spouse and 25% of the same for children.
  • *EEL – Each and every loss.
Individual – Premium1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 Month6 Month1 Year multi-trip
Silver Package(PKR)6001,0501,4751,8753,6505,3106,9708,63010,29011,000
Family – Premium1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 Month6 Month1 Year multi-trip
Silver Package(PKR)1,3502,1253,1003,7857,90011,90015,90019,90023,80022,000
  • Subject to terms and conditions of the policy
  • Policy holders will be charged extra premium against full coverage in case their age lies in the following ranges:
Age65- 69 Years70 – 74 Years75 – 85 Years
Extra Premium100%200%400%
PlanAll above plansSilver onlySilver only
  • Maximum duration of coverage is 90 days per trip for multi-trip policy.

Travel Insurance Policy

The travel insurance policy thoroughly tells you what is included and how claims will be settled in respect to the clauses and conditions mentioned under the policy. We advise our customers to read and understand the policy in depth and keep it with themselves at home or while travelling to avoid any issue. The insurance policy will mention the name of the policyholder who filled out the application at time of buying the insurance. The policies form the contract of insurance. We mainly have the following policies which can be selected by our customers as per their need and convenience. For any query, please contact Sastaticket for further assistance.

  1. International ViaCare Policy